Maud Broeksteeg
Maud Broeksteeg (1993) is a conductor, pianist and music teacher. After completing her bachelor's degree in Music Education, she moved on to Post HBO Choir Conducting with Louis Buskens at the FHK in Tilburg. There she received lessons in choir and orchestral conducting. During this study, she took singing lessons with Peggy Hegeman. In Utrecht, Maud completed the pre-master's degree in Choir Conducting with Rob Vermeulen and took conducting lessons with Boudewijn Jansen. She also attended various masterclasses and courses, including the Kurt Thomas Course in 2021.
In recent years, Maud has conducted various projects at Strijps Kamerkoor, among others, she has led rehearsals at Toonkunstkoor Amsterdam and gave vocal coaching to various singing groups within ESMG Quadrivium. In 2022 she had her first project choir with string ensemble: project choir Lessons & Carols. As an alto, she is regularly active in the projects of the Brabant Koor.
Maud is the conductor of the Motettenkoor and Jongerenkoor Jocanto in Nuenen and annually leads the choir during the carnival mass in Nuenen. She is currently the conductor at Vokollage. Maud also works at the Education department of Philzuid and develops and organizes (symphonic) projects for young and old children.

Hardy Li
Hardy (Cheuk Hung) Li started his musical journey as a trumpet player. As his interest and knowledge in music grew, he refocused his education as a conductor. In 2021 he obtained his master degree at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag with professor Alex Schillings and was among the semi-finalists of the International Conductors Contest WMC 2022.
Besides Auletes, Hardy is the conductor of Amsterdamse Tramharmonie, harmonieorkest Sint Gregorius Haaren, De Kleine Trompetter in Zevenhuizen and wind ensemble Windkracht 10 Voorburg. He is also a regular guest conductor of various orchestras in the country.
Being active in the contemporary music scene, he is one of the founders and the principal conductor of the professional ensemble ‘Spaceship’, who have world-premiered over 40 compositions. He has also worked with various professional ensembles such as Orkest De Ereprijs, Ensemble Klang, Neo-Fanfare 9x13, ensemble Oerknal and Harp Sirens.